Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Special Guest DJ Suba January 10th

I am very happy to announce Suba Ganesan as our guest Dj for January 10th.
Come and enjoy a great space, at a great time, with great music at Portland's new and Popular Mississippi Milonga.
Lesson from 6-7 $10
Dance 7-10 $7

Mississippi Ballroom
833 N Shaver
Portland, Or

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Grand Opening

The Mississipi Milonga Grand opening October 25th
2nd and 4th Saturdays
Lesson 6-7pm $10
(Dance included)

Dance 7-10pm $7
Hosted by Laurie Ann Greenberg
Dj'd by Mike McCarrel
833 N Shaver

We are proud to announce our opening night for the Mississippi Milonga held each 2nd and 4th Saturday at the Mississippi Ballroom. Come join us on our very first night for an early evening of dancing.